
“Sometimes you have to put a pork chop around a kid’s neck to get the dog to play with him. That’s Redevelopment.” An interview with FRA President Jeff Burton.

I enjoyed spending time with my friend Dr. Jeff Burton, President of the Florida Redevelopment Association at the Preservation on Main Street Conference last week in Deland, Florida, where he joined me for a special video podcast conversation about a range of topics including? Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel and visit flareheads.com for more…

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What is a Flarehead?

“Our approach is new and fresh and has proven successful in communities and cities that want more than just the status quo. It incorporates knowledge and experience with the energy of the millennial and adaptability to a fast-changing world. We don’t just believe in our approach, we live it, we dance it. It connects communities through truth, respect and knowledge. The old way may have been good enough, but good enough is just not good enough anymore. Communities have too much at stake as investment dollars, talent and momentum quickly seek out areas with promise and potential.

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3: Season 1 Episode 3 – Talent Wars: The evolving Workspace.

Kevin Crowder, Charita Allen and Ken Stapleton discuss workforce issues and their impact on economic development, especially how the workspace itself continue to evolve.

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2: Season 1 Episode 2 – Talent Wars: Leadership and Entrepreneurship Influence on the Talent Pipeline.

Kevin, Ken and Charita continue their conversation, this time focusing on the importance of leadership and good management for talent retention, and how entrepreneurship influences the talent pipeline and worker availability.

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1: Season 1 Episode 1 – Talent Wars: Work from Home vs Remote Work

Kevin Crowder, Charita Allen and Ken Stapleton discuss workforce issues and their impact on economic development, including the different way public and private sectors approach the pandemic’s reset of employment.

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